Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Roll With It

There are many reasons being back in school is good for me:

1. it helps my brain feel less rotten
2. bragging rights (I have to be honest)
3. lifelong learning, truly.

Lifelong Learning, whether this came first from old Mortimer Adler (you CSASers) or the ALA (American Library Association) or someone else, I don't know or care. Because of a school reading, today I was reminded of something I shouldn't have needed reminding about.

My reading dealt with ethics, traditions, morals, values..and judgement. A good friend of mine said once that I was one of the most moral people she knew, knowing I was totally irreligious. That has meant alot to me, yet I have let her down in the worst way and for that I apologize.

How I raise my family, the decisions I make for them will be different from the decisions other parents make for their families. And that's okay. I needed a good reminding that we are not all the same. We all do things a little differently and need different things. That's what makes life interesting, fun and challenging.

I don't have to understand why people do things cause I am certain people wonder why the hell I do many of the things I do. I just need to roll with it and not dwell on it cause it's a waste of time.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Taking Care of Me

You would think after four kids, I would recognize the power of rest, but after Shifty (Maeve's nickname due to shifty-from-the-corner of her eyes look) arrived, the Fitzsimmons have slowed down, not at all.

And I know, as most other mom's know, that if Mommy is tired (and thus bitchy) the whole fam damnily suffers.

As a kid and young(er) mother I could not understand how on earth my grandfather, Grancha, could fall asleep sitting straight up in his recliner. Now, four weeks postpartum, it's an every night occurence if I dare plop down on the couch to even try to catch a DVRed Daily Show.

I could be asleep by nine most nights if I tried, but like Bec at naptime, I'm afraid I'll miss something. I feel like I've earned a few hours of relaxation, and I have, to do whatever, but what I need to to do, honestly is to sleep.

Rachel Maddow will still be spewing beautiful liberal bias tomorrow night.

I would have a much better attitude in the a.m. and would enjoy my day more if I tried to get an extra hour of sleep a night. I could spend time conscious with Poor Andy over coffee rather than him just looking at me, asleep on the couch with drool creeping down my face.