Monday, December 13, 2010


Note to Self:

Practice social skills.

When things don't go the way I think they should, in the way that makes the most sense to me, why do I get so upset?

Because I see it as losing?

I don't like losing.

That's the only possible explanation. It's not the inconvenience, really. It's the fact that it wasn't done exactly how I wanted it done (something that just yesterday, we scolded Jack for).

I know that I lack communication skills when it comes to things that are controversial. I assume that people will automatically know what I'm thinking, when in fact that's not always(hardly ever)the case. Rather than suggest whatever it is that I assume people should automatically know or do, I get angry, frustrated, hang up the phone, not understanding why people don't just know or do what it is I want.

Why is it that every so often, I expect my needs come first, which other than with Poor Andy, rarely happens. This is the pregnancy that wasn't. I haven't been able to slow down even a smidgen. That's right, smidgen.

How Pollyanna of me.

I'm not tooting my own horn here, but I don't just sit around eating bonbons, people, so come on, is it too much to ask to have someone bend over backwards for me once in a while?

All of this being said about this situation, I am not totally in the wrong regarding my behavior. I know that I'm not. BUT I could have better handled the situation. That I will admit. Not necessarily apologize for, but will admit.

Enlightenment wasn't attained in the span of a few blog posts, but at least I don't feel that I'm starting back at square one anymore.



  1. I think you just described me to a have much more justification for not bending over backwards for anyone, you know your bun in the oven and all the boys. I only have 2 and have just started telling people NO! and I too got mad yesterday because nobody cleaned their rooms the right way, hmmm, "my way."

  2. I'll explain said situation to you in a FB mssg. You and I have to get together.
