Friday, January 21, 2011


I am trying hard not to be upset that my mother cancelled coming this weekend for a second time. It's not surprising for 2 reasons.

(1.) They had some snow and the roads are slick.
(2.) We rarely have anyone from my family come visit us.

To lay it all out, here goes.

I very rarely had anyone come to any events when I was in school. I was smart and athletic and alone.  

I'm only pity-partying a little here.

My mother took me to college, dropped me off and left. Didn't even spend the night. That very first night in Knoxville I ended up in the ER with a 104 fever. Luckily I had relatives in town who could help me.

In the 4 years I was in Knoxville, my mother came only one other time to visit which was for the sole purpose of not really visiting me but to see if I was living with Andy.

I'll leave that one hanging since my step dad is on FB.

No I won't.

Of course I was living with Andy. I moved in with him a week after I met him. Big deal. It was the best decision I ever made.

I also called home every day to my mother and every few days to my father. Why? To keep them from checking up on me?

No, because I cared. And that's not me trying to seem good, that's honestly it. I cared about my family. And just until recently I called my mom several times a week. I am so busy and tired that I don't call as often but oddly, even before the 21st century, phone calls were able to be made in both directions, not just one.


She is very uninvolved in my kids' lives. She has been here once in the last 6 months. She didn't make it to a single baseball game, swim meet or cross country race.

I have had THE hardest pregnancy. Among other things, I had vertigo and thought I had a brain tumor, for goddsake, and did she once ever even offer to come help me, with the kids or anything else?

Ummm..that would be a negative.

I try to understand and have made excuses for years.

My dad treated her like crap.
She was a single mother.
She has depression.

But I can't any more.

I am a mother almost 5 times over and regardless of the differences in our upbringing, our marriages, whatever, being a mother means being a mother. It doesn't mean constantly making excuses to make your life easier.


I cannot IMAGINE not going to the boys' games. Not helping with their homework. Not reading books to them.

Some days it takes a little more (or a lot more) effort than others to make yourself get on your hands and knees to build a train track. But you do it despite the fear that the terrible sciatica that has kept me from doing most anything for 10 days doesn't render me unable to get back into a standing position.

Just like you visit your kid in college for reasons other than to make sure that your kid is living the way you think (and God thinks) is the right way. You do it because you love them. And hope they are safe.

Is that why she doesn't come visit any more often than she does?

That she doesn't approve that we aren't raising our kids the way she would? Just disregard the fact that my kids are well-behaved, well-adjusted and nicer than so many of the kids who "go to church".

I am very interested in Buddhism.

Don't even attempt to bring the Buddha up in front of her. That's the same thing as saying we are devil worshippers because, obviously, that's what atheists are. Devil worshippers.

The problem there lies in the fact that atheists don't believe in the devil either. I believe in me and I know that with effort and time, I can be an even better, stronger person. And that can come only from within myself.

So now I've ranted.

What I should do is just call her and say, "You know what. I know I shouldn't be upset that you are cancelling because I know the roads are slippery. What I am upset about is that I feel like I have never been important enough to you to warrant any extra effort to make me feel special and loved."

But then, by doing that, how will I affect her depression? Or a start a fight?

All I know is that my kids will never feel the way I feel. I will be exhausted from making it to every game, every practice that I can. I never, ever want them to feel like I didn't do enough. Even with 5 of them.

Nothing is ever easy. Especially raising kids. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bird Crap

Why is it so hard for me to not say mean things about people?

Is it better to hold it inside, all the negativity?

Or better to put it out there? Ahh, mean spirit, go free.

I know why, honestly.

(1) If I wanted to truly get rid of negative thoughts, what I should do is to just realize I feel a certain way and then, just let it be. But for some reason, I fixate on things, refuse to let go and I must share. And not the good kinda share.

It's harder to forget about it than it is to just say something, mean and loud.

(2) I can come up with some pretty damn mean funny things on the fly to say about people.

(3) I want (need) people to agree with my point-of-view.

Why do I need others to agree with me?

To show that I'm right? Smart? Funny? Intuitive?

All of the above, most likely.

Can't I be funny without being hurtful? Of course. But that's not "who" I have been. Is it "who" I want to be?


Our neighbors behind us, the ones who hate us and our dogs, had 2 gorgeous trees in their front yard. 80-100 year old trees, most likely. And I'm a self-avowed tree hugger.

Love me some trees. Do them no necessary harm and damn you if you do.

She had them both cut down, from what I am told, because they block her view. Really? They live in Florida most of the time.

The saddest part of the whole thing was when the magnolia was mostly gone, just a third of the bare trunk left, on top of a pile of magnolia logs where the tree used to stand, sat one confused looking bird.

And truthfully, I hope that bird craps on her van.

Multiple times, and causes rusty crap spots all over it.

I was at a meeting last night and couldn't help bringing up the tree situation in front of friends, and I said some very mean things about her. I shouldn't have. I knew it before I said a single word but I steam rolled ahead, expletives and all.

I still feel guilty because deep down, I don't think I want to be that person any more. But years and years of biting remarks rarely reigned in are hard to stop.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Losing Bits of Myself

I think that trying to remove unnecessary worry and strife from my life is a good thing. I am a liberal, a shameless, tree hugging, peace loving liberal.

Take from that what you will.

I am very far left. Possibly to the left of left. That being said, I am beginning to understand (1) why moderates are important and (2) why it is important to see both sides of everything, politics and otherwise.

I attribute these revelations to one very hot, very smart, excruciatingly humorous 50ish Jewish man.

I need not name names.

I can continue to tout my leftist beliefs because even though conservatives I know swear I'll change as I age, I'm pretty certain that I will not. But I also am beginning to realize that change comes in baby steps and that like it or not, compromise is key.

I am "satisfied" with what happened with healthcare (for now).

I am "satisfied" with the repeal of DADT (for now).

Like a lot of people who are of my persuasion, I was quick to jump on the conservatives for their violent talk and images and how this contributed to what happened in Arizona. I don't like the way "they" have gone about with their "don't retreat, reload" and the target symbols but I don't know how much, if at all, this type of rhetoric contributed to what caused the kid who pulled the trigger, to snap.

Everyone is responsible for their own words and actions, and a lot of us, myself included, should think more about what we say and how we say it.

I am the one who barked at the neighbor who complained about our dogs barking.

By making these kind of revelations about myself: being okay with moderation, curbing my f-word habit, attempting to not badmouth people, not jumping on the liberal, leftist bandwagon (even though most of it I believe), I feel like I'm losing bits of myself.

Maybe this is part of growing up.

Maybe I really am making myself happier. I feel happier. I have noticed that I am starting to look harder at things and thinking more.

But I do know one thing, and I think Lydia Williamson will agree with me here.

If I had to be stranded on a desert island with someone (if by chance the husband was hospitalized or something) John Stewart is the guy.

Jon Stewart and a LOT of red wine.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pocket Dial Promise

Now to add to my (long) list of things to work on for myself, to make me the perfect person (HA) is to totally quit badmouthing people, mostly "real" people, people I come into contact with on a personal level, so that I can still badmouth celebrities and politicians.

There is just so much I can do and if I can't slam a Beck or Palin a few times a day, is my life truly worth living? And seriously, what do they care anyway? They don't. They exist to piss people like me off. Let's just be honest.

I'm worried about slipping up and offending people I really care about.

I also feel somewhat bad about badmouthing Finn's All Star Baseball coach who honestly sucked on many levels but rather than saying that, I could more kindly say "Really, he doesn't have kids and doesn't know how to treat them."

From now on, I will speak as though there is always the chance that the person I want to say something unkind about is listening, accidentally having been pocket dialed by moi.

I mean, it's totally true, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything. If I could only behave like I try to teach the kids, I would be a much better person.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Not Fair

Last year I stuck to my New Year's Resolution until about mid-summer, about the time I felt miserable from heat, pregnancy & 4 kids. That resolution involved the F-word.

I am re-upping my intention to MOSTLY rid my vocabulary of this word.

In addition, I am sick of listening to myself complain because really, what do I have to complain about?

Sciatic nerve hurts?
Can't get up off the couch?
NONE of my pants fit me!
The kids are:
1. Loud.
2. Fighting about something pointless.
3. Bec won't leave poor, sick pup alone.

The list goes on, but really, there is just so little I have true reason to complain about so I intend to nix complaining from my repertoire.

I will probably complain for about 10 hours at the end of February but I will NOT complain about anything pointless.

This is not so much a New Year's Resolution as it is a life resolution.

I don't want to raise complainers so I figure the best thing I can do to avoid that is to not do it myself.