Thursday, January 13, 2011

Losing Bits of Myself

I think that trying to remove unnecessary worry and strife from my life is a good thing. I am a liberal, a shameless, tree hugging, peace loving liberal.

Take from that what you will.

I am very far left. Possibly to the left of left. That being said, I am beginning to understand (1) why moderates are important and (2) why it is important to see both sides of everything, politics and otherwise.

I attribute these revelations to one very hot, very smart, excruciatingly humorous 50ish Jewish man.

I need not name names.

I can continue to tout my leftist beliefs because even though conservatives I know swear I'll change as I age, I'm pretty certain that I will not. But I also am beginning to realize that change comes in baby steps and that like it or not, compromise is key.

I am "satisfied" with what happened with healthcare (for now).

I am "satisfied" with the repeal of DADT (for now).

Like a lot of people who are of my persuasion, I was quick to jump on the conservatives for their violent talk and images and how this contributed to what happened in Arizona. I don't like the way "they" have gone about with their "don't retreat, reload" and the target symbols but I don't know how much, if at all, this type of rhetoric contributed to what caused the kid who pulled the trigger, to snap.

Everyone is responsible for their own words and actions, and a lot of us, myself included, should think more about what we say and how we say it.

I am the one who barked at the neighbor who complained about our dogs barking.

By making these kind of revelations about myself: being okay with moderation, curbing my f-word habit, attempting to not badmouth people, not jumping on the liberal, leftist bandwagon (even though most of it I believe), I feel like I'm losing bits of myself.

Maybe this is part of growing up.

Maybe I really am making myself happier. I feel happier. I have noticed that I am starting to look harder at things and thinking more.

But I do know one thing, and I think Lydia Williamson will agree with me here.

If I had to be stranded on a desert island with someone (if by chance the husband was hospitalized or something) John Stewart is the guy.

Jon Stewart and a LOT of red wine.

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